UML2 Class Diagram in Java

Learn all about this Unified Modeling Language diagram in Java. Read all

IBM AIX: Java Process Size Monitoring

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RateLimiter - Discovering Google Guava

RateLimiter class was recently added to Guava libraries (since 13.0) and it is already among my favourite tools. Have a look what the JavaDoc says: [...] rate... Read all

Using Spring Profiles and Java Configuration

My last blog introduced Spring 3.1’s profiles and explained both the business case for using them and demonstrated their use with Spring XML configuration... Read all

5 Tips for Proper Java Heap Size

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Spring Integration - Payload Storage via Claim-check

Continuing on the theme of temporary storage for transient messages used within Spring Integration flows, the claim-check model offers configurable storage for... Read all

Creating a build pipeline using Maven, Jenkins, Subversion and Nexus.

for a while now, we had been operating in the wild west when it comes to building our applications and deploying to production. builds were typically done... Read all

Test Doubles With Mockito

Introduction A common thing I come across is that teams using a mocking framework assume they are mocking. They are not aware that Mocks are just one of a... Read all

Hibernate by Example - Part 2 (DetachedCriteria)

So last time we helped out justice league to effectively manager their super heroes. Today we focus on how The Avengers will be using Hibernate's Detached... Read all

Apache CXF: How to add custom SOAP headers to the web service request?

Here’s how to do it in CXF proprietary way:// Create a list of SOAP headers List<Header> headersList = new ArrayList<Header>(); Header testHeader =... Read all




