Q&A With Claus Ibsen on Apache Camel

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Customizing Android Devices Using Runtime Resource Overlay

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Angular 2 vs. Angular 1: Key Differences

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JSF and Spring MVC Tie in Java / JVM Frameworks Poll

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Spark Grows Up and Scales Out

Written by Craig Wentworth.To understand the furor that’s greeted recent vendor announcements around open source analytics computing engine Spark, and some... Read all

Using Apache Kafka for Integration and Data Processing Pipelines with Spring

written by josh long on the spring blog applications generated more and more data than ever before and a huge part of the challenge - before it can even be... Read all

Converting an Application to JHipster

I've been intrigued by JHipster ever since I first tried it last September. I'd worked with AngularJS and Spring Boot quite a bit, and I liked the idea that... Read all

Adding Multiple Include Paths to Build Settings in Eclipse

In Eclipse and CDT, I need to tell the compiler where it has to search for the header files. The normal way is to go to the compiler settings (menu Project >... Read all

Angular JS: Two Ways to Initialize an Angular App

This article represents code samples along with related concepts for two different ways in which an Angular app can be defined. Read all

Embedded Jetty and Apache CXF: Secure REST Services With Spring Security

Recently I ran into very interesting problem which I thought would take me just a couple of minutes to solve: protecting Apache CXF (current release 3.0.1)/... Read all




