Functional Programming with Java 8 Functions

Learn how to use lambda expressions and anonymous functions in Java 8. Read all

Sublime: Configure to Open HTML Page in a Web Browser

This article presents steps that is needed to configure Sublime to open the HTML pages you are working, in your preferred web browser. As I started developing... Read all

URL shortener service in 42 lines of code in... Java (?!)

Apparently writing a URL shortener service is the new "Hello, world!" in the IoT/microservice/era world. It all started with A URL shortener service in 45 lines... Read all

Building Extremely Large In-Memory InputStream for Testing Purposes

For some reason I needed extremely large, possibly even infinite InputStream that would simply return the same byte[]over and over. This way I could produce... Read all

Fingerprint CSS in MVC Web Sites

Optimizing for website performance includes setting long expiration dates on our static resources, such s images, stylesheets and JavaScript files. Doing that... Read all

Spring/Hibernate Improved SQL Logging with log4jdbc

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Spring Boot and Scala with sbt as the Build Tool

Earlier I had blogged about using Scala with Spring Boot and how the combination just works. There was one issue with the previous approach though - the only... Read all

How to Migrate from MySQL to MongoDB

In the last week I was working on a key project to migrate a BI platform from MySQL to MongoDB. We chose that database due to its support and scalability. Read all

How HTML5 Apps Can be More Secure than Native Mobile Apps

As businesses accelerate their move toward making B2E applications available to employees on mobile devices, the subject of mobile application security is... Read all

Java 8 Type Annotations

Lambda expressions are by far the most discussed and promoted feature of Java 8. While I agree that Lambdas are a large improvement I think that some other Java... Read all




