Create And Run A "scheduled" Task Using Python Win32com

// description of your code here Uses the new COM Task Scheduler Interface to create a new disabled scheduled task, then run it once as part of a script. Use... Read all

GWT Basic Project Structure And Components

[img_assist|nid=3421|title=|desc=|link=url|url=|align=left|width=208|height=388]The core of every GWT... Read all

1st Binary Release of Java Music Composer

Today marks the availability of the first binary release of the open source JFugue Music NotePad. The core basic functionality of the tool is available and... Read all

Plugging into Lobo's Pure Java Web Browser

Lobo's Java Web Browser, still at a dot zero release, drew my attention today because it very recently was Java Posse's project of the week. I love the fact... Read all

Remove Empty XML Nodes

Remove nodes like (without attributes & without children) public static void RemoveEmptyNodes(XmlDocument doc) { XmlNodeList nodes =... Read all

Using An HTTP Proxy With Universal Feed Parser

without using http_proxy environment variable.. import urllib2, feedparser proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler( {"http":""} ) d =... Read all




