Deep Dive Into Terraform Provider Debugging With Delve

Debugging Terraform providers is crucial for ensuring the reliability and functionality of infrastructure deployments. Terraform providers, written in languages like Go, can have complex logic that requires careful debugging when issues arise. One powerful tool for debugging Terraform providers is Delve, a debugger for the Go programming language. Delve allows developers to set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through code, making it easier to identify and resolve bugs. In this blog, we will explore how to use Delve effectively for debugging Terraform providers.

Setup Delve for Debugging Terraform Provider

# For Linux

sudo apt-get install -y delve

# For macOS

brew instal delve

Refer here for more details on the installation.

Debug Terraform Provider Using VS Code

 Follow the below steps to debug the provider

package main

import (


func main() {
	var debug bool

	flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", true, "Set to true to enable debugging mode using delve")

	opts := &plugin.ServeOpts{
		Debug:        debug,
		ProviderAddr: "",
		ProviderFunc: provider.Provider,

	log.Println("IBM Cloud Provider version", version.Version)

	"version": "0.2.0", 
	"configurations": [ {
		"name": "Debug Terraform Provider IBM with Delve", 
		"type": "go", 
		"request": "launch", 
		"mode": "debug", 
		"program": "${workspaceFolder}", 
		"internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart", 
		"args": [ "-debug" ] 
	} ]

start debugging


environment variable

terraform plan

This helps to debug the Terraform execution and comprehend the behavior of the provider code for the particular inputs supplied in Terraform.

Debug Terraform Provider Using DLV Command Line

Follow the below steps to debug the provider using the command line.  To know more about the dlv command line commands refer here.


break point


This provides a way to debug the terraform provider from the command line.

Remote Debugging and CI/CD Pipeline Debugging

Following are the extensions to the debugging using the dlv command line tool.

Remote Debugging

Remote debugging allows you to debug a Terraform provider running on a remote machine or environment.

Debugging in CI/CD Pipelines

Debugging in CI/CD pipelines involves setting up your pipeline to run Delve and attach to your Terraform provider for debugging. This can be challenging due to the ephemeral nature of CI/CD environments. One approach is to use conditional logic in your pipeline configuration to only enable debugging when a specific environment variable is set. For example, you can use the following script in your pipeline configuration to start Delve and attach to your Terraform provider –

- name: Debug Terraform Provider
  if: env(DEBUG) == 'true'
  run: |
    dlv debug --headless --listen=:2345 --api-version=2 &
    sleep 5 # Wait for Delve to start
    export TF_LOG=TRACE
    terraform init
    terraform apply

Best Practices for Effective Debugging With Delve

 Here are some best practices for effective debugging with Delve, along with tips for improving efficiency and minimizing downtime:

By following these best practices, you can improve the efficiency of your debugging process and minimize downtime caused by issues in your code.


In conclusion, mastering the art of debugging Terraform providers with Delve is a valuable skill that can significantly improve the reliability and performance of your infrastructure deployments. By setting up Delve for debugging, exploring advanced techniques like remote debugging and CI/CD pipeline debugging, and following best practices for effective debugging, you can effectively troubleshoot issues in your Terraform provider code. Debugging is not just about fixing bugs; it's also about understanding your code better and improving its overall quality. Dive deep into Terraform provider debugging with Delve, and empower yourself to build a more robust and efficient infrastructure with Terraform.




