Testing Applications With JPA Buddy and Testcontainers

Testcontainers allows us to create a production-like environment for integration testing. Review the most popular case: testing an application’s services and data access layer. Read all

Dynamic Data Processing Using Serverless Java With Quarkus on AWS Lambda by Enabling SnapStart (Part 2)

Learn outer loop practices in production using AWS Lambda and DynamoDB in part 2 on making serverless Java for dynamic data processing with a NoSQL database. Read all

The Emerging World of Data Security Posture Management

Data breaches across the enterprise have led to a new data security approach called 'DSPM.' But what is DSPM anyway, and what does it mean for the enterprise? Read all

Why APIs Will Be This Year’s Most Targeted Service

It’s exceedingly difficult to plan for and protect from threats you’re unaware of. However, here are some critical API threats to look out for. Read all

Develop a Mobile Multiplayer Game in Minutes With Unity and Oracle Backend for Parse

Learn how to quickly develop cool multiplayer mobile games using Unity and Parse APIs and leave the backend work to Oracle Backend for Parse. Read all

Make E2e Testing Easier With the Right Tools

E2e testing is notably slower and more expensive than lower-level tests. In this article, we will cover tools and approaches to make e2e testing easier. Read all

OpenShift vs. Kubernetes: The Unfair Battle

In this article, we are going to be comparing OpenShift and Kubernetes, and let me tell you, the comparison is far from fair. Read all

Sandboxes in Kubernetes Using OpenTelemetry

We'll explore a new use-case with OpenTelemetry to create lightweight environments in Kubernetes for various forms of scalable microservice testing. Read all

Step-By-Step Guide To Building a Serverless Text-to-Speech Solution Using Golang on AWS

Learn how to build a serverless text-to-speech conversion solution using Amazon Polly, AWS Lambda, and the Go programming language. Read all

How To Develop and Customize a Shopping Cart Based on ASP.NET

A challenging task in building an eCommerce store is a shopping cart. Learn how to customize an ASP.NET shopping cart effectively. Read all




