10 Tips To Optimize PostgreSQL Queries in Your Django Project

In this article, readers will learn ten tips from GitGuardian engineers to make Django and PostgreSQL the best friends in the world, including guide code. Read all

Top 10 Practices for Secure Software Development

Developer security practices are about adding security at each software development stage. Here’s a list of top developer security practices to follow. Read all

Streaming Data to RDBMS via Kafka JDBC Sink Connector Without Leveraging Schema Registry

This article covers the biggest difficulty with the JDBC sink connector: it requires knowledge of the schema of data that has already landed on the Kafka topic. Read all

How To Test IoT Security

Readers will learn how to test their Internet of Things (IoT) security, including background information, the top ten security vulnerabilities, and more. Read all

A Comprehensive Analysis of AutoML

An introduction to the concept behind AutoML and a comparative study of the top 50 AutoML platforms that are becoming popular. Read all

Mastering the API Marketplace Supply Chain

API marketplaces should be delivering the promises of the API ecosystem economy, but they need a robust supply chain of quality APIs to deliver this value. Read all

Building Windows File Server Cluster in Azure

In this tutorial, learn how to set up a Windows file server cluster with a shared disk and storage account. Read all

Microsoft Azure Key Vault Service

Azure Key Vault is a Key Management system that can be used. The encryption keys to encrypt your data are simple to create and manage. Read all

Real-Time Stream Processing With Hazelcast and StreamNative

In this article, readers will learn about real-time stream processing with Hazelcast and StreamNative in a shorter time, along with demonstrations and code. Read all

CQRS and MediatR Pattern Implementation Using .NET Core 6 Web API

In this article, we are going to discuss the working of CQRS and MediatR patterns and step-by-step implementation using .NET Core 6 Web API. Read all




