This post looks at the top eight steps for monitoring oil and gas industry operations with IoT, including sensors, pipeline management, 3-D printers, and more. Read all
This article includes a tutorial that explains how to build a docker-compose file to create a container from an image together with a container running MySQL. Read all
Walk through an easy process to turn on, test, and configure encrypted connections between Redis Enterprise Cloud and a Java client program using SSL. Read all
In this microservice testing tutorial, you will learn to build, scale, run, and test the architecture of messaging microservices based on the RabbitMQ broker. Read all
Learn all about the background of Kubernetes, what has made it such a popular container orchastration platform, and the effect it's had on the dev community. Read all
In this tutorial, learn about how to implement a configuration server with Spring Cloud for externalized configuration for your microservices architecture. Read all
Learn how to develop Alexa skills while integrating Spring Boot 2 REST services. This tutorial will walk through setting up Intents for your skills as well. Read all
An integration engineer discusses how to perform testing on a REST API that has authentication protocols in place using the open source JMeter testing tool. Read all