Orange Pi Cluster With Docker Swarm and MariaDB

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Kubernetes Alternatives to Spring Java Framework

Spring has been a proven Java-based framework, but it has challenges. Explore Kubernetes alternatives. Read all

How Elasticsearch Works

Discover what Elasticsearch is, how Elasticsearch works, and how you can configure, install, and run Elasticsearch. Read all

Keep Your Application Secrets Secret

Handling application secrets is an integral part of the job for any backend developer nowadays. Let me show you how we should tackle these challenges! Read all

Supabase CDC Webhooks to Memphis Rest Gateway

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GitOps: Flux vs Argo CD

In this article, readers will learn about Flux and Argo CD, including background information, how to set them up, and the pros and cons of each application. Read all

The Future of Cloud Engineering Evolves

Enabling developers and cloud engineers to use the languages and tools they are most familiar with is beneficial for adoption, speed, and empowerment. Read all

Doing DevOps Like Skynet With ChatGPT

ChatGPT has dominated our feeds over the last week and blew people's minds. So we took it for a test drive to see if it could do DevOps. Read all

Kubernetes Remote Development in Java Using Kubernetes Maven Plugin

Learn how to effectively develop and debug java applications in Kubernetes cluster using Eclipse JKube's remote development functionality. Read all

Architecture as Code With C4 and Plantuml

Learn how to use a C4 model, Plantuml, and other tools in order to design and diagram your code's architecture for other users. Read all




