Get Logged-in User Info in Jakarta EE - The Simplest Way

There are multiple ways to get info about the logged-in user in Jakarta EE but the Security API unifies them and makes it simple. Read all

Kappa Architecture is Mainstream Replacing Lambda

Architectures and trade-offs for replacing Lambda and batch with unified real-time Kappa architecture. Examples from Uber, Shopify, Disney. Read all

Oracle Partition Pruning

Reading this article will give you a brief idea about what is Oracle partition pruning, what benefits it provides and how can we make use of it. Read all

11 Best No-Code/Low-Code Backends of 2021

Here are the year's best no-code and low-code back-ends to help you build your app's front-end faster. Read all

Fast Key-Value Store With PostgreSQL

Explore Key-Value store features which augments the already fantastic NoSQL tool set that PostgreSQL offers. Read all

Why Database Sizing Is So Hard?

Why is database capacity planning so hard? And how can you simplify it? We'll walk you through an example using ScyllaDB, an open-source NoSQL database. Read all

A Guide to Transparent Data Encryption in PostgreSQL

Transparent Data Encryption, or TDE, encrypts the data in a database to prevent attackers from reading it if they break the first line of defense. Read all

Migrate to VueJS 3, Composition API, and TypeScript?

See how to start using VueJS 3 and the Composition API. Read all

NixOs Native Flake Deployment With LUKS Drive Encryption and LVM

Native nix flake NixOS installation on LVM and encrypted with LUKS. I will tackle a specific problem I was trying to solve, and as a result, I can share and ... Read all

MuleSoft API Led Connectivity Architectural and Design Patterns

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