Spring Boot for Cloud: Configuration and Dependencies

An overview of Spring Boot framework features that are especially important in the context of Spring Cloud applications. In this article, we will discuss dependencies and configuration management. Read all

Is React Native the Same as ReactJS?

Learn more about React and if React Native is the same as ReactJS. Read all

How to Use Python for Data Science

Python is an excellent language for data analysis because it includes a variety of data structures, modules, and tools. Read all

JavaOne 2022: Java Continues to Evolve

Get an overview of the JavaOne conference and what the Java development team is doing to keep Java relevant and progressive. Read all

Different Test Scopes in Rust

Get started with testing in Rust, including a look at Cargo, cfg macros, and defining features. Read all

Designing and Querying JSON in Databend

Various platforms share JSON data through open interfaces. This post dives deeply into the JSON data type in Databend. Read all

Apache APISIX Loves Rust! (And Me, Too)

Apache APISIX offers developers a way to write plugins in several other languages. In this post, I'd like to highlight how to write such a plugin with Rust. Read all

CockroachDB Multi-Region Abstractions for MongoDB Developers With FerretDB

This is yet another part of an interesting experiment with FerretDB and CockroachDB. This time, we're going to expand on the previous articles by looking at the multi-region capabilities in CockroachDB. Read all

The Maze of Python Dependency Management

In this post, I'd like to shed some light on dependency management in Python. Python dependency management is a whole different world. Read all

The Database CI/CD Best Practice With GitHub

Database change is a tricky part of the development process. Can we treat databases the same way we treat code by making it part of the CI/CD cycle? Read all




