How to Create Microservices Using http4k

A developer gives a tutorial on how to create a simple microservice-based application using http4k, Kotlin, and JDBI. Read all

Grafana and Prometheus Setup With Strimzi, a.k.a. Kafka on Kubernetes.

A software developer gives a quick tutorial on how to use Strimzi to integrate Prometheus into a Java-based application. Read on to learn more! Read all

Multi-Tenancy Implementation Using Spring Boot, MongoDB, and Redis

In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement multi-tenancy in a Spring Boot application with MongoDB and Redis. Read all

Debezium Serialization With Apache Avro and Apicurio Service Registry

This article demonstrates how to use Debezium to monitor a MySQL database and then use Apache Avro with the Apicurio service registry. Read all

Deploy Maven Apps to Kubernetes With JKube Kubernetes Maven Plugin

Checkout how Eclipse JKube Kubernetes Maven Plugin makes creation of Docker Images and Deploying to Kubernetes seamless within your old Java workflow. Read all

12 Factor App Principles and Cloud-Native Microservices

A 12-factor app is a methodology or set of principles for building scalable and performant, independent, and resilient enterprise applications. Read all

10 Best DevOps Courses for Developers

10 of the best DevOps Courses for Programmers and developers from Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, and other online portals to learn DevOps tools and skills Read all

Building an Amazon-Like Recommendation Engine Using Slash GraphQL

Get started using Dgraph's Slash GraphQL product and connect to a Spring Boot application which will act as a simple RESTful recommendation service. Read all

Kubernetes Docker Secret Deployment With Terraform

Take a look at this series of code snippets that descibes how to deploy a Kubernetes secrets to EKS using Terraform. Read all

Reverse Engineer Docker Images into Dockerfiles

Take a look at how to use image exploration tool Dive to learn how to revive a Dockerfile from a Docker image. Read all




