Multicluster Gateways With Kubernetes Gateway API

Kubernetes Gateway API is the new specification released by CNCF to standardize the Kubernetes Ingress traffic. Now, what if a service is configured as High Availability (HA)? (Say it is in a different cloud environment and you have to access it from the Gateway; i.e., multicluster, multi-cloud scenario.) In this article, we will showcase how to use the Gateway API spec to configure gateways for multicluster setup. 

Multicluster Kubernetes Gateway Demo Overview

We have two clusters: one in EKS (primary) and the other in GKE (remote). I have deployed Istio in both the clusters and the setup is primary-remote Istio installation. Istio is used as the controller to implement the Gateway API resources. 

Here’s what I’m going to do:

Multicluster Kubernetes Gateway Demo Overview

Multicluster, multi-cloud Gateway with K8s Gateway API demo setup

Deploy the Applications and Services in Clusters

Deploy helloworld-service in both the primary and remote clusters:

kubectl -f apply helloworld-service.yaml --context=eks-cluster
kubectl -f apply helloworld-service.yaml --context=gke-cluster

Deploy helloworld-deployment-v1 to the primary cluster/EKS and helloworld-deployment-v2 to the remote cluster/GKE:
kubectl -f apply helloworld-deployment-v1.yaml --context=eks-cluster
kubectl -f apply helloworld-deployment-v2.yaml --context=gke-cluster

Deploy echoserver-service in both the clusters and echoserver-deployment only in the remote cluster:
kubectl -f apply echoserver-service.yaml --context=eks-cluster
kubectl -f apply echoserver-service.yaml --context=gke-cluster
kubectl -f apply echoserver-deployment.yaml --context=gke-cluster

Note that service resources need to be deployed in both clusters for this to work. That is why I deployed the echoserver-service in the primary cluster/EKS although the deployment is only in the remote cluster/GKE.

Now, let us verify the deployments in both the primary and secondary clusters:

kubectl get svc -n demo --context=eks-cluster
kubectl get pods -n demo --context=eks-cluster
kubectl get svc -n demo --context=gke-cluster
kubectl get pods -n demo --context=gke-cluster

Deployments in both the primary and secondary clusters

The primary cluster has the helloworld-v1 pod running, while the remote cluster has both helloworld-v2 and echoserver pods running successfully:

Primary cluster (EKS) and remote cluster (GKE)

Deploy K8s Gateway API Resources and Verify Multicluster Communication

Apply the gateway resource in the primary/EKS cluster:

kubectl apply -f gateway-api-gateway.yaml --context=eks-cluster

The Gateway uses Istio as the controller and is deployed in the istio-ingress namespace.

Deploy HTTPRoute in the primary cluster for the helloworld application, which listens on path /hello:

kubectl apply -f helloworld-httproute.yaml --context=eks-cluster

Now, let us verify multicluster communication by curling the helloworld application; but first, we need to get the Gateway IP:

kubectl get svc -n istio-ingress --context=eks-cluster

Verify multicluster communication:
curl your_gateway_external_ip/hello

Multicluster communication

You can see that the request is served by both the helloworld-v1 and helloworld-v2 that are deployed in the primary and secondary clusters, respectively.

Now, let us deploy the HTTPRoute for echoserver in the primary cluster, which listens on :

kubectl apply -f echoserver-httproute.yaml --context=eks-cluster

Verify if the Gateway is able to access echoserver deployed in the remote cluster:

curl your_gateway_external_ip

ateway is able to access echoserver deployed in the remote cluster

The Gateway is able to get a response from echoserver deployed in the remote cluster successfully. And that is the end of the demo.




