Demystifying Security on AWS Cloud

Take a closer look into cloud security best practices with AWS Cloud, as well as the security tools AWS offers and its Shared Responsibility model. Read all

Microservices and Difference Between Mono Repo and Multiple Repositories

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Understanding Angular Route Resolvers

In this article, we discuss the basics behind using Angular Route Resolvers in order to better manage components that depend on information from APIs. Read all

Using Object Types in Relational Tables, Part 4

This article looks at using object types in relational tables and provides examples of object tables, relational tables with object type columns, and more. Read all

Four Pillars of Microservices Adoption — Process (Part 1)

Four Pillars of Microservices Adoption — Process (Part 1); Unit Tests, API Tests, Even-driven Integration tests, Saga automation tests. Read all

Provisioning an Apache HTTP Server with AWS CloudFormation

These code snippets provide the YAML files to help provision an EC2 instance and install an Apache HTTP server without logging into a EC2 terminal. Read all

Introducing the Couchbase Java SDK 3.0 Alpha

This article takes a look at the new Couchbase Java SDK 3.0 Alpha and see the cross-SDK API improvements, Java-specific improvements, and how to get started. Read all

Automation Testing in Microservices

A compilation of the different kinds of automation testing in microservices; including unit tests, lyer integration tests, API tests, system tests, and more. Read all

Magento on Kubernetes

This tutorial automates the creation of a Magento Docker image and pushes it to Kubernetes using Google Cloud. Read all

Concerns With the Current State of DevOps

Research analyst Tom Smith asks over 30 IT industry executives about the concerns that they have around the growth and scaling of DevOps. Read all




