Migrating Monolith Application to Microservices

Migrating a monolith application to microservices is time and resource-consuming and needs proper planning. This guide outlines the details of the migration process. Read all

Demystifying Databases, Data Warehouses, Data Lakes, and Data Lake Houses

Databases for transactions, data warehouses for analytics, and data lakes and lake houses for analytics with flexibility and scalability. Read all

Building a Dynamic Chat Application: Setting up ChatGPT in FastAPI and Displaying Conversations in ReactJS

This blog will guide you through the process of setting up ChatGPT in a FastAPI backend and seamlessly integrating it with a ReactJS frontend. Read all

What Are the Pillars of API Security?

Due to the increasing threat of cyber attacks, it is crucial to prioritize API security. This overview provides key guidelines for protection. Read all

PostgreSQL Views With Runtime Parameters

Passing parameters to PostgreSQL views via temporary configuration parameters, as part of the current transaction. Read all

Use Amazon Bedrock and LangChain To Build an Application To Chat With Web Pages

Deploy the Go web app with AWS CDK and start asking questions! Read all

Pagination of an Infinite List of Records in Salesforce

This pagination approach is not new or uncommon but differs from the methods you might find through a simple Google search. Read all

IOS App Modularization With Apollo And SPM

Apollo is a popular GraphQL client due to its robust features. This guide explains the benefits, drawbacks, and modular approach. Read all

How To Master Advanced JSON Querying in SQLite

Dive into SQLite JSON functions: advanced querying, schema validation, optimization using indexes, and essential troubleshooting tips. Read all

Securing Kubernetes: Don’t Underestimate the Risk Posed by Misconfigurations

Aqua Nautilus discovered organizations with misconfigurations that left Kubernetes clusters exposed and vulnerable to exploitation. Read all




