MyBatis (formerly iBatis) – Examples and Hints using SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE Annotations

MyBatis is a lightweight persistence framework for Java and .NET. This blog entry addresses the Java side. MyBatis is an alternative positioned somewhere... Read all

Practical PHP Patterns: Query Object

An ORM provides an abstraction of storage as an in-memory object graph, but it is difficult to navigate that graph via object pointers without loading a large... Read all

Open Source NoSQL Databases

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JPA Performance, Don't Ignore the Database

Good Database schema design is important for performance. One of the most basic optimizations is to design your tables to take as little space on the disk as... Read all

Computing 95 Percentile In MySQL

When doing performance analyzes you often would want to see 95 percentile, 99 percentile and similar values. The "average" is the evil of performance... Read all

SVNKit: Tame Subversion with Java!

SVNKitis an Open Source pure Java Subversion library. SVNKit literally brings Subversion, popular open source version control system, to the Java world. With... Read all

Unleashing the Power of AI in Fintech API Management: A Comprehensive Guide for Product Managers

This comprehensive guide explores the transformative role of AI in fintech API management, providing real-world examples for each section. From AI-driven insights and anomaly detection to AI-enhanced design, testing, security, and personalized user exp. Read all

Unleashing the Power of GPT: A Comprehensive Guide To Implementing OpenAI’s GPT in ReactJS

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the implementation of GPT in ReactJS, exploring the intricacies and possibilities it opens up for developers. Read all

How To Build an API With Python Flask

Python Flask is a popular framework for building web applications and APIs in Python. This example will review how to create a simple rest API Flask tutorial. Read all

How To Get Cell Data From an Excel Spreadsheet Using APIs in Java

This article discusses the benefits OpenXML document formatting offers developers and suggests two API solutions for programmatically retrieving Excel data Read all




