To learn more about the most frequently mentioned failures revolve around lack of skills and security, we asked top industry experts about their experiences. Read all
A dev gives a tutorial on how to easily create several different Java-based microservice applications using OpenShift and its Source-2-Image functionality. Read all
A software developer gives a tutorial on how to use the latest version of Visual Studio to clone interesting code from an open source repository. Read all
Every company seems to be making use of cloud computing, and if you were ever wondering why you should take the leap, we have some reasons here. Read all
Two big data expert provide a tutorial on how to work with the open source Apache Hive and Kafka tools to create an app that uses real-time Kafka SQL queries. Read all
Working with resources outside the Terraform environment can be tricky since every resource can't be called the same way. Check out how to call different ones here. Read all
We wrap up this short two-part series on distributed messaging systems in Apache Kafka by exploring topics related to brokers, topics, partitions, and more. Read all
A discussion of the merits and drawbacks to both on-premise and cloud-based data warehouse solutions, and an overview of the leading technologies. Read all