Types of Meetings in Scrum and Agile

A discussion of the role of Scrum in the development process, and the various meeting, or ceremonies, that Scrum teams perform in order to create great code. Read all

Azure WebJobs vs. Azure Functions

See which use cases are better for Azure WebJobs and when you should use Azure Functions instead as well as how current programming trends will impact them. Read all

What Is CI/CD?

It's time to really dive into the pervasive concepts of continuous integration and delivery that enable all DevOps, and the tools that make it possible. Read all

AWS Will Dominate But Multi-Cloud Will Be in Your Future

AWS is in the lead, but Azure is catching up. Multi-cloud environments are becoming the norm, and the future for enterprises likely involves multiple providers. Read all

MuleSoft Exception Strategies

Learn about what constitutes the two types of exceptions in MuleSoft, the different messaging exceptions, and how to configure custom ones in your flows. Read all

Basic Example for Spark Structured Streaming and Kafka Integration

See how to integrate Spark structured streaming and Kafka by learning how to create a SparkSession, convert a stream based on mySchema and TimeStamp, and more. Read all

Troubleshooting Java Applications on OpenShift

We look at how to troubleshoot this popular open source container using various commands to check for issues in garbage collection, thread dump, and more. Read all

CompletionStage Support in Server-Side JAX-RS

CompletionStage is the key to JAX-RS 2.1's new async processing support. Java EE 8 users will be better able to create async pipelines, as a sample app shows. Read all

Akka Monitoring: Telemetry OpenTracing

Tracing is key in distributed systems, and OpenTracing will help you monitor your Akka actors. Take a look at how to configure and use OpenTracing. Read all

Running Your Load Tests With PassFail Criteria - A Guide

Learn how to automatically check if a specific test breaches your load testing thresholds using Taurus in PassFail mode, or using Jenkins with Taurus or JMeter. Read all




