Security in one's information system has always been among the most critical non-functional requirements. Here, learn more about Transport Layer Security. Read all
When done badly, the CI process can turn this amazing tool into a nightmare. Continuous Integration should make our lives easier, not the other way around. Read all
In this post, take a look at the top integration services that AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure provide as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each service. Read all
In this article, readers will learn how to create a Spring Boot application that connects to Pulsar and Cassandra and displays live data in a React frontend. Read all
With AWS Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs that expose your data and business to developers who can then build great applications that consume your API. Read all
In this article, readers will learn how to implement three separate APIs designed to help you rapidly build and scale a video processing workflow with code. Read all
In this article, readers will learn ten tips from GitGuardian engineers to make Django and PostgreSQL the best friends in the world, including guide code. Read all
Developer security practices are about adding security at each software development stage. Here’s a list of top developer security practices to follow. Read all