Optional.orElse() Vs. Optional.orElseGet()

In this post, we take a closer look at Java Optionals, specifically Optional.orElse() versus Optional.orElseGet(), and their different implementations. Read all

Handling Binary Data in SOAP with MTOM

In this article, we discuss how to handle binary data in SOAP with MTOM in order to significantly reduce file size. Read all

C# and Java Comparison: The C# Struct Advantage

In this article, we discuss the advantage of C#'s struct when compared to Java's use of classes and Junion, a workaround the language implements to offer a struct-like data structure. Read all

How to Debug a Remote Java Application

Learn more about debugging remote Java applications in this short post on how to debug and manage remote Java apps. Read all

Java: ChronicleMap, Part 2: Super RAM Maps

In nearly all cases, built-in Map implementations are limited by RAM size. Check out this post to learn how ChronicleMap can circumvent this limitation. Read all

Elasticsearch vs. Solr: Have Both With Spring Data and Platform.sh

A developer gives a quick tutorial on how to use both Elasticsearch and Solr to create full-text search engines by coding in the Java language. Read all

Java Class Name Locator in Selenium

Check out this post to learn more about using the Java Class name locator in Selenium with example code. Read all

Playing With GraalVM

Check out this post where we take a closer look at Graal VM and its ability to run a Java application as a native application, as well as key takeaways. Read all

Detailed Explanation of Guava RateLimiter's Throttling Mechanism

See a detailed explanation of Guava RateLimiter's throttling mechanism. Read all

Why Do We Need the Volatile Keyword?

he volatile field is needed to make sure that multiple threads always see the newest value, even when the cache system or compiler optimizations are at work. Read all




