Java: The Strategy Pattern

The Strategy pattern is a classic GoF design pattern. This in-depth guide tackles when to use it, related topics like Dependency Injection, and sample uses. Read all

Getting Started With Spring Data Cassandra

Learn about Spring Data Cassandra, which can bridge the gap between your Java code and Cassandra, allowing you to form records from objects and write queries. Read all

Migrating Your Project to Jigsaw Step by Step

This guide to migrating work to use Project Jigsaw's modules uses a Spring-based project and tackles the exceptions and errors likely to appear along the way. Read all

Code Smells: Multi-Responsibility Methods

This series on code smells continues with multi-responsibility methods, the problems they cause, and tips for refactoring them into better, more readable code. Read all

Configuring the AsciiDoctor Maven Plugin

Bring AsciiDoctor to your Java code via Maven to help with your documentation. This guide walks through the steps, showcases extensions, and offers advice. Read all

Spring Cloud Config (Part 3): ZooKeeper Backend

Learn about the pros and cons of ZooKeeper as your configuration management backend with Spring Cloud Config. See if the functionality is worth the complexity. Read all

Hashing Passwords in Java With BCrypt

We look at the Java of implementation of the password storage app, BCrypt, and how this can be used to has passwords and thus increase authentication strength. Read all

Defining Bean Dependencies With Java Config in Spring Framework

The Spring framework has a variety of options for declaring beans. Here we look at several options Java Config offers, such as inter-bean references. Read all

Web Scraping in Java Using jsoup and OkHttp

A Java expert shows us how to create a custom HTML/CSS Theme Template page using web scraping techniques and tools to scrape bootstrap-based web pages. Read all

SAP Java Secure Storage

In this article we go over the vulnerabilities in your SAP Java Secure Storage, how hackers can use them to access your system, and how to defend against this. Read all




