Porting Software to ARM: Here’s What We Learned

In this post, we’ll go through the 10 lessons we learned when porting our software to ARM. It will help you scope, avoid pitfalls, and plan the project. Read all

Spring Boot and JHipster Bring Kubernetes to the Cloud

Learn how to bring your microservices securely to the cloud with Spring Boot, JHipster, Kubernetes, and OIDC. Read all

Managing Secrets in Node.js With HashiCorp Vault

Safely manage your company's secrets by learning how to access Vault via Node.js applications, retrieve secrets, and interface with Vault via Web UI and CLI. Read all

How to Create a Kubernetes Cluster and Load Balancer for Local Development

This guide demonstrates one way that you can set up and tear down a local Kubernetes cluster with a load balancer for use as a local development environment. Read all

Using PGBouncer With CockroachDB

In this article, see to wire PGBouncer to work with CockroachDB. Read all

AppOps with Kubernetes and Devtron - The Perfect Fit

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Rapidly Develop Java Microservices on Kubernetes With Telepresence

Learn how to use Telepresence to build a Kubernetes development workflow with a Java microservice. Read all

Docker Hub Rate Limits to Limitless DevOps in the Cloud

This article talks about the recent partnership between Docker and JFrog and how this partnership impacts developers and enterprises positively. Read all

How to Scale Your Services With Docker During Development

In this article, we're going to see how we can leverage Docker to scale and spin up multiple instances of a service on our machine. Read all

Kafka at the Edge: Use Cases and Architectures

Use cases and architectures for Kafka deployments at the edge, including retail stores, cell towers, trains, small factories, restaurants. Read all




