Testing Microservices: Tools and Frameworks

See how Hoverfly, Pact, and Gatling form a complete testing stack for microservices applications in this tutorial for performance and other types of tests. Read all

Introduction to Integration Patterns

This DZone Guide article takes a look at an introduction to integration patterns and also explores remote procedure invocation and message transformation. Read all

Principles for Microservices Integration

Learn the key fundamentals of microservices integration in this technical overview before getting started with your own microservice architecture development. Read all

20 Best Practices for Working With Apache Kafka at Scale

A software developer discusses some challenges devs and data scientists can face when using Apache Kafka, and some best practices to clear these hurdles. Read all

IoT in Oil and Gas: 8 Easy Steps to Monitor Operations

This post looks at the top eight steps for monitoring oil and gas industry operations with IoT, including sensors, pipeline management, 3-D printers, and more. Read all

Installing and Configuring Atlassian Confluence With MySQL in Docker Containers

This article includes a tutorial that explains how to build a docker-compose file to create a container from an image together with a container running MySQL. Read all

Enabling Secure Connections to Redis Enterprise for Java Applications

Walk through an easy process to turn on, test, and configure encrypted connections between Redis Enterprise Cloud and a Java client program using SSL. Read all

Upgrading to Node v8 Has Significantly Reduced Our Operating Costs

See how Node v8 has made performance better and more even and predictable for the distributed pub/sub messaging platform at Ably Realtime. Read all

Building and Testing Message-Driven Microservices Using Spring Cloud Stream

In this microservice testing tutorial, you will learn to build, scale, run, and test the architecture of messaging microservices based on the RabbitMQ broker. Read all

Constructing Dynamic Endpoint URLs in WSO2 ESB

This article includes a tutorial that will explain three different ways to construct a dynamic URL in WSO2 ESB. Read all




