Maintenance of a Multi-Database Citus Cluster
This guide is designated for database administrators (DBA) who manages an on-premise cluster of PostgreSQL nodes with Citus, an extension for PostgreSQL for horizontal scalability and columnar storage.
Every DBA at some point reaches a threshold when manual maintenance of a cluster becomes an arduous chore, and the necessity of some automated solution becomes more and more apparent. Here will be discussed an example of such an automated solution.
We use the following Citus cluster for our analytics:
- PostgreSQL 14.2, Citus 10.2
- 21 nodes (including a coordinator node) on Btrfs file system, with zstd compression at level 10
- 36
s within the cluster, since we follow the principle, "One database per tenant" - 151 TB of data in total, reported by
, 30TB reported bybtrfs fi usage
Every database in the cluster contains its own unique set of tables and views, including materialized, permissions and configuration parameters.
During the process of automation, we came to the following set of traits that the automated solution should possess:
- Simplicity: A maintenance process should be easy, obvious, coherent, and uniform. Complex instructions, custom shell scripts, which are never supported, and tribal knowledge should be minimized.
- Auditing: Every action performed on the cluster should be logged, with the author of the action, a purpose of the action, a date, and the exact command, which was executed.
- Historicity: A set of changes applied to a cluster should be easily re-applied when the cluster is restored from a backup.
In order to address those principles, we decided to employ the Flyway database migration tool. It allows incremental evolution of database schema via versioned migration scripts.
Migration scripts are stored in a Git repository with a CD mechanism configured to run the migration on every commit. This way, in order to apply a change to a cluster, DBA should create a commit with migration SQL script (scripts) and push it.
This setup is quite common and suitable even for vanilla PostgreSQL, but with Citus, there are nuances: some commands should be executed on all nodes in the cluster, and sometimes, on the specific node. Luckily, there are enough mechanisms in PostgreSQL and Citus to cover almost every use case.
Single Point of Maintenance
In order to perform maintenance of the databases in a cluster, it is preferable to create a dedicated database. In further examples, it will be referred to as maintenance. It is a convenient place for maintenance-related extensions and functions, but most important is that it holds Flyway's history table, which reflects the evolution of all databases in the cluster instead of having separate history tables in each database.
Migration scripts that will be executed on the maintenance
should have the ability to create other databases, as well as execute SQL on them. That's where the dblink extension comes in: it allows you to connect to any other PostgreSQL server, including localhost
, and execute arbitrary SQL there. Having that in mind, that's what a migration script that creates a database with Citus extension looks like:
CREATE DATABASE new_citus_database;
SELECT DBLINK_EXEC('dbname=new_citus_database user=postgres', $remote$
One thing to note: databases can not be created in a transaction, so it is necessary to disable it for this migration via a script configuration file.
It is not enough to create the Citus extension on the fresh database. In order for Citus to work, according to the docs, it is necessary to:
- Create databases with the same name on worker nodes.
- Create the Citus extension on those databases.
- Invoke
with an address of every worker node in the cluster.
It is cumbersome since it requires a manual connection to workers or a dedicated Ansible playbook. Luckily, the maintenance
database already contains all the tools necessary to do this from an SQL script:
-- Create database on every worker
SELECT run_command_on_workers($cmd$CREATE DATABASE new_citus_database;$cmd$);
-- Connect to the fresh database on worker nodes and create the Citus extension
WITH citus_workers AS (SELECT node_name FROM citus_get_active_worker_nodes())
SELECT DBLINK_EXEC(FORMAT('host=%s dbname=new_citus_database user=postgres', node_name), $remote$
FROM citus_workers;
-- Add workers to the fresh database on the coordinator
WITH citus_workers AS (SELECT node_name FROM citus_get_active_worker_nodes() ORDER BY node_name)
SELECT DBLINK_EXEC('dbname=new_citus_database user=postgres', format($remote$
SELECT citus_add_node('%s', 5432);
$remote$, node_name))
FROM citus_workers;
is used to connect to all worker nodes in the cluster, as well as the coordinator. For the SELECT
statements, which are not supported by DBLINK_EXEC
, there is a workaround START TRANSACTION; ... COMMIT;
Configuration of the newly created database can be performed in a similar fashion:
ALTER DATABASE new_citus_database SET WORK_MEM = '256MB';
SELECT run_command_on_workers($cmd$
ALTER DATABASE new_citus_database SET WORK_MEM = '256MB';
As well as the creation of roles, granting permissions, and any other statement.
Maintenance of Multiple Databases
A similar approach is used to manage a few databases within one script. For example, let's assume that we have created another database, another_citus_database
, and it is necessary to create the same table and view there. It could be easily achieved using CTE:
WITH databases AS (SELECT *
FROM (VALUES ('new_citus_database'),
('another_citus_database')) AS t(db_name))
SELECT DBLINK_EXEC(FORMAT('dbname=%I user=postgres', db_name), $remote$
CREATE TABLE test_table
(user_id TEXT, data jsonb);
SELECT create_distributed_table('test_table', 'user_id');
CREATE VIEW test_table_view AS SELECT * FROM test_table;
FROM databases;
In practice, the creation of view should be extracted into a special repeatable script.
Instead of CTEs, it is possible and preferable to create utility PL/SQL functions. For example, when on the same instance there are databases with and without the Citus extension installed, it would be convenient to have a function to run SQL statements only on the databases with Citus. An example of such a function can look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.execute_on_databases_with_citus(statement TEXT)
db_name TEXT;
FROM pg_database
FROM DBLINK(FORMAT('dbname=%s', datname),
$cmd$SELECT TRUE FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'citus'$cmd$) AS t(citus_installed BOOLEAN))
AND datname NOT IN ('template0', 'template1'))
EXECUTE FORMAT('SELECT * FROM dblink_exec(''dbname=%s'', $_CMD_$%s$_CMD_$);', db_name,
With such a function in place, it would be easy to run ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE;
; For example:
CALL execute_on_databases_with_citus($cmd$ALTER EXTENSION CITUS UPDATE$cmd$);
The described way of administration is very flexible and allows a DBA to implement every piece of logic needed to achieve a smooth administration experience.
Things To Note
Depending on your setup, it may be necessary to configure the .pgpass file in order to be able to connect to worker nodes via dblink. Historically it was done as part of Citus security configuration, but with the release of Citus 11, it has changed.
Putting All Together
Let's put all the steps described earlier into migration scripts. The sequence of migration scripts could look like the following on a disk:
└── db
└── migration
├── R__test_table_view.sql
├── V1__init.sql
├── V2.0__create_new_citus_database.sql
├── V2.0__create_new_citus_database.sql.conf
├── V2.1__new_citus_database_configuration.sql
├── V3__another_citus_database.sql
├── V3__another_citus_database.sql.conf
├── V4__no_citus_database.sql
├── V5__common_table.sql
└── V6__update_citus_extension.sql
With such a structure in place, it is possible now to invoke flyway migrate
if you are using the CLI tool, or ./gradlew flywayMigrate -i
if you prefer the Gradle plugin, as we do. Push it into a Git and configure your favorite CI/CD tool, like GitLab or GitHub Actions, and you'll have the solution with desired traits.
The described approach has one serious limitation: due to the nature of DBLINK_EXEC
,multi-database statements are non-transactional. It requires migration scripts to be idempotent in some way: either via IF NOT EXISTS
kinds of clauses in Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements or via recreating objects via DROP
. It could be a little trickier to implement with Citus objects, but there almost always exists a workaround. For example, the creation of a table could be made idempotent like this:
WITH databases AS (SELECT *
FROM (VALUES ('new_citus_database'),
('another_citus_database')) AS t(db_name))
SELECT DBLINK_EXEC(FORMAT('dbname=%I user=postgres', db_name), $remote$
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (user_id TEXT, data jsonb);
DO $$
EXECUTE $cmd$SELECT create_distributed_table('test_table', 'user_id');$cmd$;
FROM databases;
This guide has demonstrated basic principles and tools to achieve the best administration experience with Citus clusters. Capabilities of the Flyway tool combined with abilities provided by the Citus, dblink, and PL/pgSQL allow a DBA to manage clusters of every scale with ease.
An executable example of the setup, described in the post, could be found here.