From IBM Integration Bus to IBM App Connect Enterprise in Containers (Part 3)

In Scenarios 2a and 2b, we showed different ways of deploying an App Connect flow onto containers on OpenShift – via the command line, and via the dashboard. We eventually saw a response from our deployed integration, but so what! We haven’t yet really seen what Kubernetes is bringing to the table. We will now explore some of the things that Kubernetes significantly simplifies and extends compared to traditional deployments. In this scenario, we’ll specifically look at load balancing and autoscaling.

If you feel you already understand basic load balancing and autoscaling in Kubernetes, perhaps take a look at the Advanced Scaling Topics section at the end of this post.

Kubernetes and Load Balancing

Load balancing itself is not new, and simply refers to efficiently distributing incoming network traffic across a group of servers. It serves two primary purposes, enabling high availability, and allowing us to scale up 'horizontally' by adding further servers. It has more uses too; for example, when we come to roll out new versions of our code, the load balancing can enable us to do that without downtime.

In our scenario, the servers are integration servers running the integration flows. For our simple flow, it is only incoming HTTP traffic that we need to balance across them. We will look at other types of incoming traffic in future scenarios. 

Traditional deployment architecture

In a traditionally deployed environment, for example, directly on virtual or physical machines, load balancing was something that had to be explicitly set up by those installing the product and setting up the topology. You would likely need to set up an HTTP server to spray the requests across a statically configured set of integration servers. Since there might be multiple integration servers per machine, you might choose to have integration nodes receive the HTTP traffic and then configure those to spread the work to the underlying integration servers. Furthermore, you have to maintain this setup if you added more servers, or re-locate them to other network locations. That’s a lot of configuration, with a lot of specialism required around HTTP servers, and the integration nodes and servers to set it all up and look after it. Those skills aren’t hugely transferable to other products as much of it is specific to this particular runtime.

Kubernetes deployment architecture

Some would say Kubernetes was originally created to simplify routing. When you deploy onto a Kubernetes environment, you don’t configure load balancing yourself, you just tell Kubernetes how many replicas of your container to create. Kubernetes then takes on the problem of creating those replicas, balancing the incoming requests between them, and re-configuring those routes if new replicas are added, or old ones stop working (and indeed re-instating the failed ones, and much, much more…).  

Since IBM App Connect Enterprise v11 it has been possible to run integration servers standalone (without an associated integration node). So the recommended approach is that each container runs a single integration server, and Kubernetes completely owns the routing of traffic between container replicas.

It’s hard to overstate just how different this is to traditional environments. It means setting up load balancing is something that happens implicitly, and largely invisibly at deployment time rather than something that must be done in advance as a separate infrastructure step. This provides an enormous opportunity in terms of such things as more agile approaches in the development lifecycle, the consistency of the deployment pipeline, and the simplification of skills required to operate the environment.

What Is a 'Pod' in Kubernetes?

If we’re going to talk about load balancing in Kubernetes, we’re going to need to know a new term. Kubernetes always deploys containers in what’s known as a 'pod'. Often there is only one container per pod, although it is possible to have more than one. A pod is the unit of deployment. You can’t deploy part of a pod, only a whole one. Of most relevance to this post is that when you scale up, you create multiple identical pod replicas. So from this point on, when you hear us talking about 'load balancing across pods', or 'pod replication', you can roughly translate pods to containers, at least for the purposes of this post. You can read more about pods here.

Showing Load Balancing in App Connect on OpenShift

To demonstrate load balancing across multiple copies of a pod for a given integration server,  we will deploy a simple HTTP flow that responds with a message to say which pod the flow ran in.  We will deploy this flow to 3 replicas, then make multiple requests to the flow and watch the load balancing spread the requests across the replicas.

The BAR file and other related artifacts for this scenario can be downloaded from

The following is the YAML definition file for our deployment. 

kind: IntegrationServer
  name: load-balance-demo
  namespace: ace-demo
  labels: {}
  adminServerSecure: false
  barURL: >-
    - github-barauth
  createDashboardUsers: true
  designerFlowsOperationMode: disabled
  enableMetrics: true
    accept: true
    license: L-KSBM-C37J2R
    use: AppConnectEnterpriseProduction
            cpu: 300m
            memory: 350Mi
            cpu: 300m
            memory: 300Mi
  replicas: 3
    timeout: 120s
    endpointType: http
  version: '12.0'

Save this Integration CR definition as  IS-github-bar-3-replica.yaml.

Key things to note;

We need to ensure the barauth configuration object is in place. Refer to the instructions for Scenario 2a for what this file should look like then apply it with the following command. 

# oc apply -f Config-barAuth.yaml

YAML created 

Now create the Integration Server with instructions for 3 replica pods. 

# oc apply -f  IS-github-bar-3-replica.yaml

YAML created

Upon successful deployment, you will see 3 pods for your integration server using following command:

# oc get pods

load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-dd74h               1/1     Running     0          35m

load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-gvgzm               1/1     Running     0          35m

load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-kvb77               1/1     Running     0          35m

Get the public endpoint for your message flow service using ‘routes’ 

# oc get routes

load-balance-demo-http  load-balance-demo-is


Since we have deployed IS with 3 replicas, we expect the messages to be distributed to each of the pods equally by the K8s service/load balancer. 

So we send 6 messages to the message flow on the public URL obtained from the routes above. (Message flow is listening for incoming requests on endpoint  /Echo). 

Therefore our URL becomes:

The message flow has been modified from earlier scenarios to output the pod name and pod IP address to allow us to know which pod the response has come from. 


# seq 1 6 | xargs -n1 curl -X POST

This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-gvgzm/      Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-18

This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-dd74h/       Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-20

This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-kvb77/       Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-21

This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-gvgzm/      Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-23

This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-dd74h/       Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-24

This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-kvb77/       Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-26

As you can observe from the output above, we sent 6 requests to the message flow using curl command. Each of the 3 pods has served 2 of the requests, so the load balancing is working. 

You can also verify using the pod logs that each IS pod has received and processed the request. 

# oc logs load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-gvgzm

2021-11-19 10:56:18.134     62 This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-vgzm/       Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-18

2021-11-19 10:56:23.417     62 This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-vgzm/       Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-23


# oc logs load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-dd74h 

2021-11-19 10:56:20.131     61 This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-dd74h/       Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-20

2021-11-19 10:56:24.234     61 This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-dd74h/       Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-24


# oc logs load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-kvb77  

2021-11-19 10:56:21.538   63  This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-kvb77/    Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-21

2021-11-19 10:56:26.637   63  This response is from pod: load-balance-demo-is-86f656c7cf-kvb77/    Current time =  2021.11.19:10-56-26

This demonstrates that the requests are being spread across all the pods evenly using the default round-robin distribution.


When you first deploy your application to a Kubernetes cluster, you may not be sure about its resource requirements in different situations and usage patterns. Equally, you may know that the inbound workload varies significantly. Perhaps there is a low workload most of the time, but occasional much higher peaks.

So far in our definition for integration servers, we have only been able to specify a fixed number of replicas. In this section, we will show that you can add scaling policies to ensure that your workload scales up and down with demand, and thereby functions consistently in different situations without needing to over-provision the capacity to cater to some occasional peak loads.

Handling peak load with autoscaling

You can create a horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA) to specify the minimum and maximum number of pods you want to run, as well as the CPU utilization your pods should target. At the end of the post we’ll also discuss some more advanced scaling options.

The real magic here is that the load balancing we looked at in the beginning of this post, will dynamically follow the autoscaling and seamlessly spread the load across the available replicas without the need for any further configuration.

In order to demonstrate the autoscaling feature in the context of the App Connect certified container, we will create an Integration Server and associate that with an HPA policy in our OpenShift cluster. If you don’t have time to perform the below exercise there is an excellent demonstration of the capability in a previous video. Feel free to return here afterwards to understand what’s happening under the covers.

Create an Integration Server with Fixed Replication

We will first create an Integration Server that has a fixed replication policy of one replica. 

kind: IntegrationServer
  name: auto-scale-demo
  labels: {}
  adminServerSecure: false
  barURL: >-
    - github-barauth
  createDashboardUsers: true
  designerFlowsOperationMode: disabled
  enableMetrics: true
    accept: true
    license: L-KSBM-C37J2R
    use: AppConnectEnterpriseProduction
            cpu: 300m
            memory: 350Mi
            cpu: 300m
            memory: 300Mi
  replicas: 1
    timeout: 120s
    endpointType: http
  version: '12.0'


Save this to a file named IS-github-bar-autoscaling.yaml

Note that the number of replicas is set to 1 and cpu limits to a maximum of 300m (millicores) – a third of a CPU. 

IMPORTANT: Our bar file for this scenario is once again on Git Hub, so don’t forget that we need to create a barauth 'configuration' object that defines the credentials. The instructions for this are in Scenario 2a.

Now let’s deploy the new integration server.

# oc apply -f IS-github-bar-autoscaling.yaml created

Add a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

Now we’re going to create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) policy that targets the integration server we just deployed (auto-scale-demo).  The policy will state that the integration server should be scaled up if the CPU utilization of a pod reaches 80% of the allocated CPU. It will also state that the maximum number of replicas to scale to up to (maxReplicas) is 3.  Recall that in our integration server definition above, we set the CPU to 300m (millicores of CPU), so if the CPU of any POD reaches 240 millicores, the auto scalar will kick in and start replicating.

Following is the YAML definition of HPA that we will create in our cluster.  Save this in a file named ace_autoscaler_policy.yaml 

apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: ace-auto-scaler
  namespace: ace-demo
    kind: IntegrationServer
    name: auto-scale-demo
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 3
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80

Important fields to note:

# oc apply -f ace_autoscaler_policy.yaml

horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/ace-auto-scaler created

Check the status of HPA using following command

# oc get HorizontalPodAutoScaler 

NAME             REFERENCE                          TARGETS       MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE

ace-auto-scaler  IntegrationServer/auto-scale-demo  <unknown>/80%   1         3         1        49s


Stress Test in Order to See Autoscaling

Let's stress test the message flow by sending a high volume of messages so that it drives high CPU usage. We used the SoapUI tool to generate the load for the message flow. You may however use any other tool that is available to you and is capable of generating load for the target HTTP endpoint.

When the CPU utilization goes beyond 80% it will spin up new pods until it is able to balance the CPU utilization within the defined trigger limit within the current set of pods. It will stop scaling when it reaches MAXPODS regardless of the CPU utilization.

In this example, we can see that the POD’s CPU utilisation reached above the trigger limit so HPA has spawned an additional two pods (max total pods 3 as per the policy). 

# oc get HorizontalPodAutoScaler

NAME              REFERENCE                           TARGETS    MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE

ace-auto-scaler   IntegrationServer/auto-scale-demo   143%/80%   1         3         3          34m


 You can see the scaling up activity in the OpenShift event log as well. 

# oc get events

31m      Normal     SuccessfulCreate       replicaset/auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594      Created pod: auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594-hxx8q
2m       Normal     SuccessfulCreate       replicaset/auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594      Created pod: auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594-mm8hl
2m       Normal     SuccessfulCreate       replicaset/auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594      Created pod: auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594-68fzg
38m      Normal     ScalingReplicaSet       deployment/auto-scale-demo-is                Scaled up replica set auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594 to 1
31m      Normal     ScalingReplicaSet       deployment/auto-scale-demo-is                Scaled up replica set auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594 to 1
2m       Normal     ScalingReplicaSet       deployment/auto-scale-demo-is                Scaled up replica set auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594 to 3

# oc get pods

auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594-68fzg                 1/1     Running     1          62s

auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594-hxx8q                 1/1     Running     1          30m

auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594-mm8hl                 1/1     Running     1          62s


Now we stop the stress test activity and keep the message flows idle or with very minimal volume of messages for some time. The HPA will recognize that the IS does not need 3 replicas for the amount of load currently it has, so it will scale it down to 1 replica. 

# oc get HorizontalPodAutoScaler 

NAME              REFERENCE                           TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE

ace-auto-scaler   IntegrationServer/auto-scale-demo   2%/50%    1         3         1          43m


# oc get events 

71s         Normal       ScalingReplicaSet              deployment/auto-scale-demo-is               Scaled down replica set auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594 to 1


#oc get pods

auto-scale-demo-is-7c5bb8b594-hxx8q                 1/1     Running     1          40m

We began this article discussing load balancing. Did you notice that Kubernetes automatically adjusted the load balancing to spread the load across however many replicas were available? You didn’t have to do a thing!

How Does Autoscaling Really Work, and What Does This Tell us About Kubernetes?

Autoscaling and the associated dynamic load balancing works because HPA is just using the core underlying Kubernetes functionality. When the HPA sees a need to scale up or down, it edits the 'replica' value in the integration server definition to a new value. The rest is regular Kubernetes activity. Kubernetes is constantly monitoring the definitions for changes. When it sees a change in the replica count it attempts to make the actual deployment match the definition, adding or removing a replica. It doesn’t know or care whether it was an HPA that made the change, or you running a command line, or editing the definition in the web console, it’s all the same to Kubernetes.

This idea of matching the current state with a 'to-be' state is fundamental to how Kubernetes works, and is one of its strongest assets. It means the state of an environment can be completely described using definition files which could (and probably should…) be stored in a source control repository. This enables us to completely and reliably re-create an environment from scratch on any Kubernetes platform.

Compare this to a traditional environment, that was perhaps built several years ago and has had multiple in-situ updates since that is lost in the mists of time. It quickly becomes hard to know for sure whether the various environments (development, test, production, etc.) are actually identical, and it is extremely hard to reliably re-create an environment should you need to.

Kubernetes allows us to define our topology as 'code' in a repository, and build that topology accurately from scratch at deployment time. It means our CI/CD pipeline can contain not just the code we’re deploying, but the runtime characteristics of our solution too. It even enables us to 'roll back' an environment, for example to a 'last known good' state.

Advanced Scaling Topics

Let’s finish with a look at some more advanced topics around scaling.

Acknowledgement and thanks to Kim Clark for providing valuable input to this article.




