How to Set up OAuth JWT Flow and mTLS in the Salesforce Connector for a MuleSoft App

In the first part of this series, we set up a Mule app and a Salesforce Connected app for the OAuth JWT bearer token flow. In this second part, we’ll go through the required steps to set up mutual TLS between the Mule app and the Salesforce Connected App we created in that first post.

Create a New Profile in Salesforce for mTLS

Click on New Profile

Clone profile

System Permissions

Enforce SSL/TLS Mutual Authentication

n the User page click on Edit and change the Profile to our newly created profile for mTLS.

(Optional) Create a Connected App Associated With This Profile

Set Up a Mutual Authentication Certificate

Mutual Authentication Certificates

Provide a Label, Unique Name, and Certificate

Configuration of the Mule App

In this section, we’ll continue with the mule app created in Part 1 of this guide. Refer to that part if you need to start with a new mule application.

Upload the Key Store to the Mule Project

Select Show In > System Explorer

Our keystore under the src/main/resources folder

Set up the Key Store in the Salesforce Configuration Element

Key Store Configuration

Test the connection


You can also follow this video tutorial from our Mulesoft Ambassador, Stefano Bernardini:




