API Test Automation

APIs are an integral part of software development in any small/mid/large scale application. This means that testing of these APIs will dramatically improve the efficiency of the entire application.

There are several benefits to API Testing, including:

We'll now learn to create an API Test Automation Framework from scratch.

Tech Stack


You'll need a basic understanding of REST API, HTTP methods, and response codes.

Let's get started!

Step 1

Check the version of Python installed on your machine:

Step 2

Install and check the version of pip on your machine: pip.

Step 3

Install requests library

pip install requests

Step 4

Creation of Project Architecture

Creation of Project Architecture

You can follow the above project architecture.

The test_service1.py module will contain the 'test cases.'

Methods are defined as:

def test_<testcasename>:

They are considered test cases.

For example:

    def test_service1(self):

        payload_json = json.dumps(payload_service1.data, default=str)
        request = HttpRequest()
        log.info("the API call is : " + self.URL + "<endpoint>")
        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", 'token': self.token,
        response = request.send_request_with_data(self.URL + "<endpoint>",
                                                  headers=headers, data=payload_json)
        response_code = response.status_code
        if response_code != 204:
            data = json.loads(response.text)
            log.info('The Custom status code is ' + str(data['statusCode']))
            assert int(data['statusCode']) == 200
            expected_response = json.dumps(service1_expected_response.expected)
            expected = json.loads(expected_response)
            for key in data.keys():
                if key not in expected:
                    assert False, "Key mismatch"
            log.info('The Custom status code is ' + str(data['statusCode']))
            assert int(data['statusCode']) == 200

def get_token(request,url):
    payload = {
        "Key": Constants.KEY,
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}

    requests = HttpRequest()
    log.info("The API call is : " + url + "<endpoint>")
    response = requests.send_request_with_data(url + "<endpoint>", json=payload,
                                               headers=headers, redirects=False)
    response_code = response.status_code
    log.info("The status code is " + str(response_code))
    response = json.loads(response.text)

    token = response['Token']
    if request.cls is not None:
        request.cls.token = token
        request.cls.URL = url
    yield token

class HttpRequest(object):

    session = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.session = requests.session()

    def send_request_with_data(self, url, data=None, json=None, headers=None, redirects=True):
            conn = self.session.post(url, headers=headers, json=json, data=data, verify=False, allow_redirects=redirects, timeout=600)
        except Exception as exception:
            raise exception
        return conn


Use of Markers:


Markers can be used to execute specific sets of test cases. For example, if you want to execute the tests specific to service1, then you can apply the custom marker using the above command.

Markers can be executed using the command :

pytest -m "marker_name"

You can register your custom markers by creating a pytest.ini file. The contents of the file can be:

markers =
    marker1: description

Step 5


We'll use the allure reporting tool for our API Automation tests.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to set up the allure reporting:

pip install allure-pytest

For generating report in custom folder
pytest test.py --alluredir=<path_to_custom_folder>

Once the test are executed, you can go to the Custom Report folder and view the report using:

allure serve <Report_folder_name>

There's much more to API test automation than just creating the framework architecture. I'll write more about the specific insights of each useful package/module in this framework in the upcoming write-ups.




