Building Windows File Server Cluster in Azure

Today, I am going to share the steps for the Windows File server cluster in Azure. It is not very new, but when you are on the Azure cloud, things might change from the configuration side. You can achieve better resiliency and high availability with a shared disk and storage account.

Let’s see how you can achieve it step-by-step in this Windows file server cluster architecture diagram:

Windows Fileserver Architecture
Windows Fileserver Architecture


Initial Prep

File server Network Interface

File server network interface

Note: For a shared disk, you need to go with only a premium disk and a minimum size of 256 GB which supports up to 2 -3 nodes. You can extend the size to 32 TB and the node count to 10.

Azure Shared Disk

Azure Shared Disk

Cluster Setup

Note: Cluster will fail because it takes the IP of any one node where the cluster manager is running.

Add File Server Role

Note: The file server role will fail initially as it takes the duplicate IP of any one node.

Note: Even though you give a new IP to the role, it is up and running, but still not accessible from outside.  Azure says any IP should associate with the Azure NIC card for communication; hence, the need to go for the internal load balancer. 

File Server - Azure Load Balancer

File Server – Azure Load Balancer

# Define variables $ClusterNetworkName = “” # the cluster network name (Use Get-ClusterNetwork on Windows Server 2012 of higher to find the name) $IPResourceName = “” # the IP Address resource name $ILBIP = “” # the IP Address of the Internal Load Balancer (ILB) Import-Module FailoverClusters # If you are using Windows Server 2012 or higher: Get-ClusterResource $IPResourceName | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{Address=$ILBIP;ProbePort=59999;SubnetMask="";Network=$ClusterNetworkName;EnableDhcp=0} # If you are using Windows Server 2008 R2 use this: #cluster res $IPResourceName /priv enabledhcp=0 address=$ILBIP probeport=59999  subnetmask=

Final Testing

This is how you can set up a Windows file server failover cluster in Azure with a shared disk and storage account. 

Additional points: In Azure, you have the option to put your servers in an availability set to increase uptime or you can use a proximity placement group to achieve low latency.  

Thanks for reading the article.




