Spice Up Your 'CI/CD Process' With Automation Using Cucumber, Selenium, and Kotlin

This article shows how to use Cucumber, Selenium, and Kotlin in your CI/CD process in four easy steps. Read all

Safeguard Your Xamarin Apps From Threats With Dotfuscator

A tutorial on how mobile developers can secure their Xamarin-based applications while working in Visual Studio using this freely available obfuscation tool. Read all

CSS3 Transitions vs. jQuery Animate: Performance

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Data Integrity in NoSQL and Java Applications Using Bean Validation

Check out this post to learn more about integrating bean validation in a NoSQL database while maintaining data integrity. Read all

Autoscaling Your Kubernetes Microservice with KEDA

Introduction to KEDA—event-driven autoscaler for Kubernetes, Apache Camel, and ActiveMQ Artimis—and how to use it to scale a Java microservice on Kubernetes. Read all

Laravel Cron Scheduling and Its Secrets

If the number of cron tasks increase, or their effort becomes too heavy, there are internal behaviors you need to know to avoid big headaches. Read all

Where Spring Boot Meets Machine Learning Services: A Study

In this post, learn more about how the Deep Java Library brings Java developers into the machine learning (ML) game. Read all

Model Validation Using FluentValidation in ASP.NET

One requirement for any good API is the ability to validate input relying on different business rules. In this post, we'll look at model validation in ASP.NET Read all

Setting Up Starlight For JMS to Send 1 Million Messages Per Second

Discover how Starlight for JMS sends one million messages per second and reproduce the same results using our configurations. Read all

Building Microservices With gRPC and Java

Learn how to use gRPC, an open-source framework that can be used to build scalable and performant microservices and to create communication between services. Read all




