Comparing the JSON APIs Gson and Jackson

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Optional Parameters in Java 8 Lambda Expressions

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Generating JSON Schema from XSD with JAXB and Jackson

In this post, I demonstrate one approach for generating JSON Schema from an XML Schema (XSD). While providing an overview of an approach for creating JSON... Read all

Heroku PostgreSQL vs. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Written by Barry Jones.PostgreSQL is becoming the relational database of choice for web development for a whole host of good reasons. That means that... Read all

Python: Equivalent to flatMap for Flattening an Array of Arrays

I found myself wanting to flatten an array of arrays while writing some Python code earlier this afternoon and being lazy my first attempt involved building the... Read all

Fork/Join Framework vs. Parallel Streams vs. ExecutorService: The Ultimate Fork/Join Benchmark

How does the Fork/Join framework act under different configurations? Just like the upcoming episode of Star Wars, there has been a lot of excitement mixed with... Read all

How to Detect Java Deadlocks Programmatically

Deadlocks are situations in which two or more actions are waiting for the others to finish, making all actions in a blocked state forever. They can be very hard... Read all

Improving Lock Performance in Java

After we introduced locked thread detection to Plumbr couple of months ago, we have started to receive queries similar to “hey, great, now I understand what is... Read all

RabbitMQ - Processing Messages Serially Using Spring Integration Java DSL

If you ever have a need to process messages serially with RabbitMQ with a cluster of listeners processing the messages, the best way that I have seen is to use... Read all

Converting between Completablefuture and Observable

CompletableFuture<T> from Java 8 is an advanced abstraction over a promise that value of type T will be available in the future. Observable<T> is... Read all




