To create more discoverable APIs, leave behind "read the manual" culture and learn about naming things well and avoiding side effects; write it in a usable way. Read all
This post covers how to implement client-specific rate limiting for your API at the application level, with an implementation based on a Java Semaphore. Read all
This article covers five ways to find slow SQL queries with dynamic management views, SQL Server Extended Events, query performance insights, and more. Read all
Choosing the right design pattern means looking at code simplicity, users’ needs, and future maintainability, which takes us far away from the Gang of Four. Read all
There are methods to make iOS or Android mobile apps usable with no internet connection, like offline data storage and access with local caching and syncing. Read all
For Entity Framework users, new() and DbSet.Create() are both used for entity instantiation, but lazy loading will determine when do use which one. Read all
In Android development, object-relational mapping converts data between type systems that are unable to coexist within relational databases and OOP languages. Read all
Learn about Kubernetes scheduler and service affinity and running services in the same pod and the same process to help fight latency in microservices. Read all
Predictive maintenance is a natural extrapolation of the Industrial Internet. Here are the companies and technologies leading the way in that field. Read all
Learn about how to take HBase backup of HBase data and tables in Hortonworks Sandbox 2.5. and all of the ways that a backup can be taken for HBase datasets. Read all