Integrating Salesforce APEX REST

In the realm of modern enterprise integration, the harmonious interaction between different systems and platforms is paramount. Salesforce, being one of the leading CRM platforms, often necessitates seamless integration with other systems to leverage its data and functionalities. MuleSoft, on the other hand, is a powerful integration platform that facilitates connecting various applications and APIs.

One common scenario in Salesforce integration is invoking APEX REST methods from MuleSoft to interact with Salesforce data. In this blog post, we'll walk through the process of invoking an APEX REST method in MuleSoft and fetching account information from Salesforce using APEX code snippets.

Why Use APEX REST Methods?

Salesforce APEX REST methods provide a flexible way to expose custom functionalities or access Salesforce data through RESTful APIs. Leveraging APEX REST methods allows for fine-grained control over what data is exposed and how it's accessed, making it a preferred choice for integrating Salesforce with external systems like MuleSoft.


Before we dive into the integration process, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Integration Steps

1. Create APEX REST Method in Salesforce

First, let's create an APEX REST method in Salesforce to fetch account information. Here's a simple example:

global with sharing class AccountInfoRestController {
global static Account getAccountInfoById() {
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
String accountId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);

// Fetch Account information by Id
Account acc = [SELECT Id, Name, Industry, Phone, BillingCity FROM Account WHERE Id=:accountId];

return acc;

In this code snippet, we define an APEX class AccountInfoRestController annotated with @RestResource to expose a REST endpoint /accountInfo/. The getAccountInfoById() method retrieves account information based on the provided Account ID.

2. Deploy APEX Class in Salesforce

Deploy the AccountInfoRestController class to your Salesforce organization.

3. Create MuleSoft Application

Create a new MuleSoft application in Anypoint Studio.

4. Configure HTTP Connector

Add an HTTP Listener to your Mule flow to receive incoming HTTP requests. Configure the listener with the appropriate host and port.

HTTP Listener config

5. Invoke the APEX REST Method in MuleSoft

There are 2 ways to invoke the APEX REST method in MuleSoft.

Invoke APEX REST method

5.1. Using HTTP Requester

Add an HTTP Request component after the HTTP Listener and configure it to make a GET request to the Salesforce APEX REST endpoint:

Add an HTTP Request component after the HTTP Listener and configure it to make a GET request to the Salesforce APEX REST endpoint

5.2. Using Invoke APEX Rest API Connector

Add an Invoke APEX Rest API Connector after the HTTP listener and configure it to make a GET request to the Salesforce APEX REST endpoint:

Invoke APEX REST method

Salesforce config

6. Parse Response

After invoking the APEX REST method, parse the response body to extract account information. Use transform message to send payload in required structure to calling flow.

	"Id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"Name": "Example Account",
	"Industry": "Technology",
	"Phone": "(555) 555-5555",
	"BillingCity": "San Francisco" 

7. Handle Errors and Transform Data

Implement error handling and data transformation as per your application requirements.

8. Complete the Mule Flow

Complete the Mule flow with the necessary components for further processing or response generation.


Integrating Salesforce APEX REST methods in MuleSoft enables seamless interaction between Salesforce and other systems. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively invoke APEX REST methods from MuleSoft and retrieve account information from Salesforce. This integration approach empowers organizations to unlock the full potential of their Salesforce data within their broader application ecosystem.




