Handling Incoming Webhooks in PHP

We take a look at how to use PHP to handle webhooks coming to your application, whether they're from your source control, IoT sensors, or any thing, really. Read all

How to Use the Kafka Streams API

Learn what the Kafka Streams API is, get a brief of its features, learn about stream processors and high-level DSL, and look at the code in action. Read all

What Are the Keys To Automated Testing?

Strategic automation of the entire CI/CD/DevOps process would reduce the amount of human interaction. Read on for expert advice on automation and testing. Read all

A Graphical Notation for Kubernetes API Objects

The Kubernetes Deployment Language (KDL) is standardizing their API's objects into buckets in a way similar to containerization and Backend as a Service. Read all

Exposing Web Services (CXF) With Mule ESB

This tutorial shows the steps for building and exposing CXF web services in a message processor using Mule ESB, including code and a video walkthrough. Read all

How-To: Convert SOAP APIs to REST APIs

SOAP APIs don't cater to developer UX. Cloud Elements' SOAP Builder tool converts SOAP-based endpoints to unified REST APIs for a better integration interface. Read all

.NET Core and SQL Server in Docker - Part 1: Building the Service

In this integration series, we take a look at how to get an ASP.NET application up and running in the cloud, using .NET Core and SQL Server in Docker. Read all

SOAP vs. REST: Differences in Performance, APIs, and More

SOAP and REST protocols have a couple of primary differences. Learn the benefits of REST over SOAP, as well as the (less common) benefits of SOAP over REST. Read all

Spring Boot RESTful API Documentation with Swagger 2

Used in Spring Boot, Swagger 2 renders documentation. The Spring Boot RESTful app manages products. Configuring Swagger 2 in your app has a lot of benefits. Read all

How to Avoid Printing Exception Stack Traces

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