Adding HTTP Headers to a SOAP Request

We'll use a custom CXF interceptor to add these headers. Read all

Working with REST in Wicket

Apache Wicket is known for its capability of transparently handling the state of web applications on server side, and can be easily adopted to create RESTful services. Read all


Hadoop provides a Java native API to support file system operations.. Read all

Use Eclipse JDT to dynamically create, access, and load projects

in this article, we are going to use eclipse jdt to create, access and load projects. i assume that you know how to create a simple eclipse plug-in project... Read all

JDBC Realm and Form Based Authentication with GlassFish and Primefaces 3.4

One of the most popular posts on my blog is the short tutorial about the JDBC Security Realm and form based Authentication on GlassFish with Primefaces. After I... Read all

Spock and testing RESTful API services

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How to Deploy a war File Using GlassFish

Before trying this out make sure you have installed GlassFish in your machine. Installation is just easy as downloading the zip archive from here and unzipping... Read all

Aspect-Oriented Programming in Apache Camel

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JMS Message Groups in Apache Camel

Message groups in JMS provide a way to identify a set of related messages. The messages could be related by anything - a customer order number, for example.... Read all

Using a Java Servlet Filter to intercept the response HTTP status code with NetBeans IDE 7 and Maven

Version 2.3 of the Java servlet spec introduced the concept of filters. According to the documentation from Oracle’s site: “A filter dynamically intercepts... Read all




