Written by Norberto LeiteIntroductionIn this 2-part blog series, you will learn how to use MongoDB, Mongoose Object Data Mapping (ODM) with Express.js and... Read all
I have a large Java project with many sub modules, and they have simple top down dependencies like this:ProjectX +-ModuleLibA +-ModuleLibB +-ModuleCdiLibC... Read all
Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring framework to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns. It enables lightweight messaging... Read all
Spring Integration (SI) is a framework enabling a collection of individual applications to integrate together to deliver a business enterprise system. The... Read all
We care a lot about the stuff that goes around Solr and Elasticsearch in our client’s infrastructure. One area that seems to always be being reinvented... Read all
Earlier this month, I was delivering a proof of concept around Mule that required the use of the schema validation filter. The use case was pretty simple. XML... Read all