Don't Use JmsTemplate in Spring!

JmsTemplate is easy for simple message sending. What if we want to add headers, intercept or transform the message? Then we have to write more code. So, how do... Read all

REST API: for Infrastructure, Domain or Application Layer?

It seems that lots of projects/products/services want to expose a REST API these days. But I have found very few that actually follow the REST constraints, and... Read all

Share Eclipse Perspective Layouts Across Multiple Workspaces

once you’ve configured eclipse preferences to your heart’s content, you’ll often want to share those preferences across multiple workspaces. now normally you... Read all

Integrating JBoss RESTEasy and Spring MVC

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Generate Constructor, Getters and Setters in NetBeans PHP IDE

Petr Pisl is the lead engineer of the PHP work scheduled for NetBeans IDE 6.5. Here he shares an update on some of the latest work that's been done in this... Read all

FreeMarker in NetBeans IDE 6.0: First Scenario

NetBeans IDE 6.0 provides support for FreeMarker, on many levels, covering a variety of scenarios. To not confuse things, I'll deal with each scenario in a... Read all

AI/ML Innovation in the Kubernetes Ecosystem

Recent innovations like the Model Registry, ModelCars feature, and TrustyAI are delivering manageability, speed, and accountability for AI/ML workloads. Read all

Exploring the Sidecar Pattern in Cloud-Native Architecture

Throughout this article, explore what the sidecar pattern offers, its use cases, and why it has become so widely used in cloud-native environments. Read all

Ansible and the Pre-Container Arts

Discover how Ansible can be used to prepare Linux boot images in order to install Windows virtual machines without human interaction. Read all

Why Is Kubernetes Debugging So Problematic?

Discover effective Kubernetes debugging strategies, from kubectl debug and ephemeral containers to debuggers. Troubleshoot production/develeopment issues. Read all




